In Day Neuro Program

Lymphedema is swelling caused by an abnormal accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the body. Lymphedema is caused by damage to the lymphatic tissues. The leading causes of lymphedema are cancer treatments and venous insufficiency. Lymphedema affects women and men of all ages. If left untreated, lymphedema can lead to serious infections, decreased circulation, slow wound healing, and hardening of skin and tissues. Early detection is important as lymphedema is more difficult to manage as it progresses.

Symptoms of lymphedema include: swelling or feeling of fullness in limbs, genitals, face, head or neck; discomfort; impaired mobility of the affected limb; and skin changes or drainage. Symptoms of lymphedema can appear for a short time, disappear then return again. Early identification of lymphedema and treatment can greatly improve quality of life.


Who is at risk for lymphedema?

There are two different types of strokes that can occur. One type is called an ischemic stroke. This is caused by a clot that forms in an artery and blocks blood flow. The other type of stroke is a hemorrhagic stroke which occurs when a weakened blood vessel bursts or an aneurysm. This type of stroke is less common; however, it accounts for most of stroke-related deaths.


Lymphedema and Cancer Survivors

Some people are born with lymphedema. Others develop it. Patients are at risk for devel­oping lymphedema if they have a history of:

  • Abdominal surgery
  • Breast cancer treatments
  • Cancer of the lymph nodes
  • Chronic venous insufficiency
  • Cellulitis / Lymphangitis
  • Filariasis
  • Joint replacement
  • Liposuction
  • Morbid obesity
  • Radiation therapy
  • Removal of lymph nodes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Vascular surgery


Therapy Treatments for Lymphedema

  • Sage Outpatient Services offers the most current treatment options for management of lymphede­ma symptoms.
    • Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) is a highly skilled, specialized massage sequence that is used by a trained therapist to stimulate the lymphatic system to improve lymph drainage. This technique is applied by the therapist then taught to the patient to complete at home.
    • Compression bandaging is the application of multi-layer bandages applied by the therapist to reduce swelling.
    • Compression garment selection and fitting, including custom garments, are measured and ordered to fit the patient’s needs and lifestyle.
    • Remedial exercises are prescribed by your therapist to address symptoms of lymphedema. These exercises can help with improving range of motion, balance, coordination, and strength.
    • Infection prevention, skin care, and self-care education provided to manage and prevent the worsening of symptoms of lymphedema
    • Nutrition education provided by a Registered Dietician Therapeutic counseling and support services provided by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in individual format and also family session.

Lymphedema can affect survivors physically and emotionally. If you believe you may be at risk of lymphedema, it is important that you speak to a certified lymphedema therapist. This simple step can help improve your quality of life through symptom management, prevention of symptom worsening, and reducing your risk of serious infections. Contact us today at Sage Rehabilitation for a professional evaluation.

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