Sage Outpatient provides a thorough stroke rehabilitation program through certified Physical, Occupational, and Speech therapists.

Stroke Rehab Program

The Sage Stroke Program is catered to patients who are seeking an intensive rehab experience that focuses on improving function and returning to life roles.  Sage uses an interdisciplinary approach to address a person as a whole in order to maximize recovery.

Programs Made For You

We understand how devastating stroke can be, that’s why we offer a specialized treatment approach for those who have suffered such loss due to a stroke or brain injury. We have trained/certified staff who specialize in stroke rehab including NDT, Vital Slim, AMP care, Neuro-Ifrah and care.

Programs & Treatments

Physical Therapy

Gait Training, Balance Training, Dry needling, Strengthening, Transfer Training, Orthotic management, Equipment recommendations, Wheelchair Evaluations

Occupational Therapy

Activities of daily living (dressing, bathing, grooming), Fine motor coordination, Vision Training, Driving Evaluations, Strengthening, Orthotic management, Equipment recommendations

Speech Therapy

Memory, Attention, Swallowing, Speech intelligibility, Safety Awareness

Schedule a Program Consultation

We take pride in our ability to serve our patients anywhere they need it. If you’d like to come and visit our inpatient facilities, meet our staff, or ask us questions about our outpatient care, visit us and tour our community.

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